Will is a person's ability to make decisions based on the thought process. About the volitional qualities of a person, what are the signs of an act of will and how it manifests itself. At what age can we observe the laying of volitional qualities in children and what should parents do so that the child grows up as a purposeful and strong-willed person. And also how to develop volitional qualities in yourself if you think that they can help you in the future. Website: https://mustafaev.com.ua/ e-mail: [email protected] Facebook: / gennadiymustafaev Instagram: / mustafaevgennadii Video by samazing family from Pexels Video by Pressmaster from Pexels Video by Foysal Ahmed from Pexels Video by cottonbro from Pexels Video by Ruth Slotman from Pexels #will #strong-willed child #volitional qualities