Uranium-235 (U-235) is an isotope of uranium that plays a crucial role in nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. Here are some key facts about uranium-235: *Nature and Abundance: U-235 is one of the most important isotopes of uranium, although it is relatively rare in nature, making up about 0.72% of natural uranium. The other major isotope of uranium is uranium-238 (U-238), which is more abundant and makes up about 99.27% of natural uranium. *Fissility: Uranium-235 is fissile, meaning it can sustain a nuclear fission chain reaction. This is critical to its use in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. When a U-235 nucleus captures a neutron, it can split into two smaller nuclei, releasing a significant amount of energy, as well as more neutrons, which can induce the fission of other U-235 nuclei. *Use in Nuclear Reactors: In nuclear reactors, U-235 is the main fuel. The energy released from the fission of U-235 is used to heat water and generate steam, which in turn drives turbines to produce electricity. Because of its low abundance in nature, natural uranium must be enriched to increase the proportion of U-235 to the level required for nuclear reactors. *Use in Nuclear Weapons: U-235 is also used in nuclear weapons because of its ability to sustain a rapid chain reaction. In this context, a much higher degree of enrichment is required than in commercial nuclear reactors. *Enrichment: Uranium enrichment is the process of increasing the concentration of U-235 in natural uranium. This process can be accomplished through various methods, such as gaseous diffusion and centrifugation. Highly enriched uranium (HEU), which contains a high proportion of U-235, is primarily used in nuclear weapons and some research reactors. *Safety and Proliferation: The handling and storage of U-235 requires strict safety measures to prevent accidents and prevent unauthorized access, which could lead to nuclear proliferation. Nuclear proliferation is a global concern, and there are international agreements, such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), that seek to limit the spread of nuclear materials and technologies. _____________________________________________________________________ Science Book Links: https://compendiumresumos.wordpress.com/ _____________________________________________________________________ Want to help the channel? Channel Pix Key: 469454b3-5de8-4eb6-a4ee-a8c0866311f4 _____________________________________________________________________ Channel's social networks: https://www.instagram.com/ciencia.qui... Blog: https://licenciandoemquimica.blogspot... Channel Schedule: Every Tuesday: Videos about scientific curiosities. Every first Saturday of the month: Videos about discussions on the philosophy of Science. #uranium #nuclearenergy #chemistryscience #elements #atom #sciencevideos #radiation #centrifuge #nucleus #nuclear