The future of work is not immune to new technologies such as artificial intelligence, a fundamental tool for systems engineering, which is used to paradigm shifts and dizzying times that require agile and constant adaptation and “thinking of solutions in a different way,” as Guibert Andres Englebienne, co-founder of Globant, one of the most important technology companies in the country, says. For the co-founder, AI has come to shake up processes, from how software is developed to the possibilities that open up with each new creation: “Today, through artificial intelligence, our applications can understand our language, they can listen, see, they can generate images, do a lot of things that would have been unthinkable just two years ago. We are living in a time of super interesting change, and this is a revolution in the profession of systems engineering.” In this eighth episode of FuturIA, the reinvention of professions, Martina Rua spoke with the systems engineer from Mar del Plata about the impact of AI, its advantages and challenges for a profession that must always be one step ahead. “Today, artificial intelligence is a great lever to be able to do our work anywhere, and although it is generic as a tool, the idea is that we build up there to improve the different professions,” says Englebienne, highlighting the potential of a technology as disruptive as the advent of the Internet –three decades ago–, with the possibility of increasing human and creative capacities to enrich results. The leap towards AI is more prudent when it comes to organizations, which must learn to 'trust' these new technologies and, above all, understand their potential to be able to get the most out of them. “Many people think that, with this, their profession no longer makes sense. But no, for me it is how much more we can create with all this that we have. Systems engineering is a super creative science, a spectacular activity, and today we have many more possibilities than we had five or ten years ago,” Guibert points out. In this eight-episode series, Martina Rua invites you to discover how artificial intelligence is already transforming the world of work, creating new opportunities for programmers and organizations. But there are still challenges to overcome: “Looking ahead at artificial intelligence, we have to have a compass to guide us. We have to understand, have a design philosophy around AI that allows us to navigate this in a different way. We have to use artificial intelligence to increase our capabilities, not necessarily to replace them; we have to make use of information that is transparent, that does not create barriers, that does not generate that polarization that we see on social networks,” concludes Englebienne. Medicine, architecture, teaching, law, sports and agriculture are also protagonists of FuturIA, the reinvention of professions: second season of the audiovisual series by LA NACION. Here you can find the first installment.