#WildHerbs #GreenSmoothies #Recipes ►Shownotes + The interview to read: https://gruenundgesund.de/wildkraeute... Which wild herbs can you collect in spring for the green smoothie? Where can you find the wild herbs? What is the best way to store wild herbs? What kind of green smoothies can you make with them? There is a delicious recipe for a green smoothie with wild herbs here on my blog: http://goo.gl/VLf16B -------------------------------------------------------- My 10 best smoothie recipes for more life energy as a free download: ► https://gruenundgesund.de/lp/10-gruen... ► SUBSCRIBE to YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/GuG_abonnieren ► My website: http://GruenUndGesund.de ► Live event: https://gruenundgesund.de/lp/gruenund... ► Facebook: / gruenundgesund ------------------------------------------------------- ► Legal notice: https://gruenundgesund.de/impressum/