Since their debut in December 2018, they have appeared in numerous media and events. The talented drag queen and diva unit "Happofubijin" has been attracting attention in various circles for their singing ability, speaking ability, and presence. This is a famous song by Nakajima Miyuki, sung at their joint live performance with Hirayama Miki, "Together with Miki-san," held on November 13, 2022. Official website https://happofubijin.com/ Official Twitter / happofubijin Official Instagram / happofubijin _______________________________________________________ Cast: Happofubijin Esmeralda Dorian Lollobrigida Chiaki Hoimi Music Producer: Neko Oikawa Nakazaki Hideya Plan & Production by Happofubijin Business Department for NEKO OIKAWA OFFICE INC.