How to answer this dreaded question in a job interview: Why were you fired from your last company? Talking about being fired, when it is determined by the hiring manager, is usually a sensitive subject. But being fired is not uncommon and happens to most people at least once during their professional career. If you were fired due to low productivity or any other reason that may weigh on you in the job interview, omit this information. You can say that your area went through a restructuring process and your activities were no longer necessary. If you prefer to talk about the real reasons for your dismissal, try to find the best version of the story. But be careful when making this choice, feel the atmosphere in the job interview, if the recruiter is open to it. Avoid badmouthing the company, your former manager and your coworkers. Attitudes like this are unethical. Leave a comment below, how did you do when the recruiter asked this question and what was your answer? Personal success in interviews / katiacoutinhoconsultoraemrh https://studio.youtube.com/video/ns73... contacts: www.katiacoutinho.com.br [email protected] [email protected]