You can live well today only with will and intention. Those who drift, to let go of the steering wheel, are surely going in the wrong direction. Today, life, culture, religion, family, and lifestyle do not "force" you to follow the right path. If you don't "force" yourself, no one will! You can buy Imre Bedő's bestselling books here: https://ferfiakklubja.hu/shop/harom-k... Facebook: / bedoimrehiva. . TikTok: / bedoimre Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4tjU2Mr... Web: http://ferfiakklubja.hu/ Be part of the Men's Club community: https://ferfiakklubja.hu/regisztracio # male #mentor #generations #elengedès #problem #BedőImre #FérfiakKlubja