With René de Reuver, outgoing secretary of the Protestant Church. It's a dog's job: being the face of the Protestant Church. René readily admits it. Even in the church, the discussions have become more heated in recent years. And in a broad church like the PKN, there is always someone who disagrees with you. How is his church doing? And what other developments has he seen in the past nine years? René grew up in the Reformed Churches and has fond memories of them. He learned there that the church cannot be made - and that it's all about the heart. Merging with the church of his youth is not an option, he explains, but he will experience it with the Dutch Reformed Churches. 'The theological differences are no longer big enough to justify separate churches.' René does not want to compete with evangelical churches like Mozaiek, but he does not see a merger happening anytime soon. 'Our church model is completely different.' Read more: Why René de Reuver has a dog's job: https://www.nd.nl/geloof/protestant/1... Interview Dick& Daniël from 2016 with René de Reuver: https://www.nd.nl/geloof/geloof/61739...