In the age of consumerism, any malfunction of household appliances plunges us into despondency. As our Western partners have taught us, instead of delving into the issue, figuring out what caused the malfunction, we often start looking for a master who will earn money for us. Last week, the gas control on my gas hob stopped working. Out of curiosity, I contacted the service department, they asked for a long time about the model of the gas stove, what happened. Apparently, they searched the Internet for how much the gas control assembly costs in order to kill me with the price. I did not invite them for one simple reason, I myself know the structure of this unit, its main malfunctions and how they manifest themselves. Well, and, of course, how to fix them. Since the gas control malfunction manifests itself quite often, regardless of the model of the gas stove, I decided to share the information with my viewers, suddenly it will be useful.