Researchers are optimistic: extraterrestrial life exists. Planetary scientist Prof. Dr. Bert Vermeersen (TU Delft) explains the ingredients for extraterrestrial life. And how big is the chance that we will find it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This week in the University of the Netherlands: Planetary scientist Prof. Dr. Bert Vermeersen! Prof. Dr. Bert Vermeersen is an associate professor at the Department of Earth Observation and Satellite Systems of the Faculty of Aerospace Research at TU Delft. His current research consists of observing changes in the Earth's surface, for example due to the melting of the ice caps. But his gaze is also directed upwards, he is searching for extraterrestrial life. Want to know more? Click here for more information! http://www.universiteitvannederland.n... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the University of the Netherlands: The best professors in the Netherlands give free lectures on the internet. A new lecture is posted online every working day, and a new professor every week. Want to attend a recording? You can! Four evenings a month we record lectures in Club AIR, Amsterdam, and you can be there. During such an evening we record five lectures of fifteen minutes, followed by Q&A and meet and greet (because by then the professor is a rock star). Highly recommended! For tickets and more info ► http://www.universiteitvannederland.n... Check our website! ► http://www.universiteitvannederland.nl/ Twitter ► / universiteitnl Facebook ► / universiteitvannederland