"Well, Just You Wait!" is a legendary Soviet animated series that everyone has seen. The Wolf's endless chase after the Hare, the instantly memorable melodies and, of course, the iconic phrase "Well, Just You Wait!" - all of this has become part of the cultural code of the entire country, and we usually don't think about what makes the style of the animator Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin unique and why the cartoon is not just a fun set of tricks, but a reflection of an entire era. How did the idea for "Well, Just You Wait!" come about? How is it different from "Tom and Jerry"? And why have modern reboots never been able to reach the popularity of the original? Our new video essay is about all of this. Connect to Yandex Plus with the "Children" option! Use the promo code until January 31 and get 60 days of free access to useful entertainment and educational games: https://clck.ru/37eURS 00:00 — What is this video essay about 01:00 — How it's made 07:16 — Fusion of traditions 14:29 — New times For your convenience, we've created another channel in Telegram to contact you - https://t.me/kinopoisk_videoessay. There we'll post links to video essays and interesting materials on the topics of the analysis.