27 years ago, Takamatsu, a resident of Inami Town, Hyogo Prefecture, lost his son to a lynching by 10 people. The crime was ruled a homicide, but under the juvenile law at the time, the maximum period for a victim to be released from juvenile detention was 1 year and 8 months. The perpetrators still live in the same area. The Kobe serial child murders that occurred in the same year highlighted the lack of "victim rights." In 2000, Mamoru, the father of the murdered boy, Jun Haji, and Takamatsu joined the National Crime Victims Association (Asu no Kai) and worked to establish rights. As a result, many achievements have been made, including the enactment of the Basic Law for Crime Victims, the victim participation system in criminal trials, and the revision of the Juvenile Law. However, one issue that remains unresolved is the problem of financial support for victims. Although the minimum amount of crime victim benefits has been raised from 3.2 million yen to 10.6 million yen, the reality is that 87% of murder perpetrators have not paid compensation. Professor Tatsuya Ota of Keio University says, "Most perpetrators think that they have paid for everything by serving their sentences." Tomorrow's Association, which was once dissolved, was re-formed in 2022 and called for the establishment of a system in which the government would advance compensation and collect it from perpetrators, and the establishment of a "Crime Victims Agency" to centrally manage victim policies. Former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi of the LDP project team proposed the establishment of a "Minister in charge of crime victim support." Will there really be any changes to the victim support system? #Crime Victims Agency #Crime Victim Benefits #Kobe Serial Child Murders #Tomorrow's Association #Compensation #Shinjiro Koizumi #Yumiko Takamatsu #Mamoru Hashi #Group Lynching ━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─ We deliver "Easy News" that is easy to understand, sports, collaboration projects with the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, and more every day! [Subscribe to the channel] https://www.youtube.com/c/tvosakanews... [SNS] ▶X(Twitter) / tvosaka_news ▶Facebook / tvosaka.news.fb ▶TikTok / tvonews ▶Instagram / tvonews