LEGAL MARIJUANA? ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST ►► By rating and commenting you support the channel! https://niewiem.pl/ - bobrze artefakty 0:00 Intro 1:22 Legalizing marijuana stimulates the economy. 2:14 Legalizing marijuana reduces marijuana use by teenagers. 3:29 The number of road deaths and arrests for driving under the influence is not increasing, and may decrease when marijuana is legalized. 4:25 Legal marijuana is regulated for consumer safety. 5:10 Legalizing marijuana is gradually eliminating the black market and taking money from drug cartels, organized crime, and street gangs. 6:03 Legalizing marijuana affects the decrease in crime. 6:55 Legalizing marijuana puts an end to costly law enforcement. 7:59 Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco, which are already legal. 8:57 Taxes collected from legal marijuana sales support important public programs. 9:46 Legalizing marijuana creates thousands of needed jobs. 10:36 Legalized marijuana has high costs to society and taxpayers that far outweigh tax revenues. 11:27 Harmful effects on teens 12:24 Using marijuana before driving increases risk of a traffic accident. 13:24 Marijuana is addictive, and its addiction will increase with legalization. 14:13 Black market and organized crime profit from marijuana legalization. 14:53 Marijuana legalization leads to more marijuana-related medical emergencies. 16:04 Marijuana use harms brain development, and legalization will increase mental health problems. 16:50 Marijuana harms the health of users and the people around them. 17:27 Commercialized marijuana will create a large industry that could subliminally target children. 18:11 Legalization of marijuana harms businesses, causing accidents and loss of productivity. / niewiemalesiedowiem Group on fb - / 364513057448001 / niewiemalesiedowiemofficial / alewiem Channel background -- figuredrawingdotinfo.blogspot.it Sources: https://sites.google.com/view/rdadood... The author of the channel does not claim any rights to the photos/graphics contained in this video. Materials used under fair use, in order to allow viewers to better understand the information presented. In matters regarding copyright, please contact me at: [email protected]