You can support the channel by transferring any amount to Sberbank number 5469380013366850 Katerina Grigoryevna (channel editor) 🔸 Gospel reading 🔸 Christian understanding of morality 🔸 External conflicts distract from internal problems 🔸 God cares about everyone 🔸 The commandment to love your enemies is fundamental 🔸 Leo Tolstoy and the rabbi 🔸 What do a politician and a candlestick have in common? 🔸 We chose to serve Christ 🔸 Duties of a Christian to the state 🔸 Gathering of lands 🔸 Saint Alexander of Munich (Schmorell) 🔸 Principles of peacefulness 🔸 Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev - a leader who went through the war 🔸 Christians should be peacemakers 🔸 Biblical laws of warfare 🔸 We must stop the movements of evil 🔸 The times of Christ. Roman occupation of the Holy Land 🔸 Why did Christ come? 🔸 God is able to turn evil into good Official group in VKontakte: https://vk.com/oleg_steniaev #Oleg_Stenyaev #Christ #enemies #love #war #peace #faith #service #jesus_christ #sermon #wordofgod #God #Jesus_Christ #good #devil #word #evil #interpretation #salvation #gospel #orthodoxy #faith #church #exegete #religion #Holy_Scripture #Holy_Tradition #service