???? What tricks does our hearing play when we listen to music at different volumes? ???? To hear more details, you often have to turn up the volume. ???? And if you listen to music quietly, some sounds seem to disappear or start to sound like they're very far away. ???? In this video, we'll tell you how Hi-Fi components can solve this problem. ???? Do you have a question? Call us, we will be happy to help you? ☎️ 8 (800) 555-15-80 ⏏️ Our website: https://www.audiomania.ru?utm_source=youtube_tutorial ▶️ 0:00 Introduction ⏭ 0:34 Human hearing and the Fletcher-Munson curve ⏭ 1:11 Problem: different volumes - different curves ⏭ 1:58 Correct tonal balance and reference sound ⏭ 2:33 What are the solutions ⏭ 3:24 Priority: tonal balance ⏭ 4:20 Automation of tonal balance ⏭ 5:03 Summary and solutions ???? Audiomania on Instagram / audiomania_ru ???? Audiomania on Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/audiomania ???? Audiomania on Facebook: / audiomania.ru ???? Audiomania on VK: https://vk.com/audiomania ???? Audiomania on Telegram: https://t.me/audiomaniaRU #audiomania #audiomania #loudness #hearing #bass #highfrequencies #audio #sound #music #audiosystem #acoustics #equalizer