Join the free training: https://www.sniperdequestoes.com.br/m... _______________________________________ I want to show you my mistakes, what I did wrong, so you can get it right the first time, yess :) Some mistakes in studying for the entrance exam that I show in the video: How I made mistakes practicing old tests at home (and getting the same questions wrong on the test) How I made mistakes on the day of the 1st phase of Unesp How to do discursive questions completely wrong (don't do it) _______________________________________ Find out how to study at Sniper de Questões https://www.sniperdequestoes.com.br _______________________________________ #sniperdequestoes is a video course that shows you how to study to have an incredible performance on the ENEM and traditional entrance exams such as Fuvest, Unicamp and UERJ. https://www.sniperdequestoes.com.br _______________________________________ Blog: https://www.resumov.com.br/ Insta: /susaneribeiro Course: https://www.sniperdequestoes.com.br/ Podcast: https://www.resumov.com.br/podcast/