How Gugu's House was built. Step by Step. • GUGU LIBERATO DIDN'T KNOW THAT!! UNFORTUNATE... To talk to Ricardo Molina: http://bit.ly/IGMolina To see Houses in Orlando and talk to Talent: http://bit.ly/WhatsappTALENT Download my book for free: • I MADE MONEY DOING THIS. NOW I HAVE... #GuguLiberato #UnitedStates #HouseinOrlando This is a Public Service video. Out of respect for the family, it was not monetized! There is no advertising or vignette. I already authorize the total or partial use of this video on other channels/media that can disseminate this relevant information (Creative Commons attribution). In 2018, Gugu moved from Celebration to Windermere. In 2019, he bought a semi-new house in Cond Bellaria, where this sad accident happened. A very sad day for us! I hope God comforts the family's heart ????????????.-