Why don't we see quantum mechanics or quantum effects like superposition in our everyday lives? The reason is decoherence, which is responsible for us not witnessing quantum effects in the macroscopic world. MY T-SHIRTS: http://useloos.com.br Become a member of our channel to help keep the videos up! http://youtube.com/cienciatododia/join Discuss this video on our Discord! / discord My social networks: / pedroloos / pedroloos Our podcast: http://anchor.fm/sinapse E-mail: [email protected] Sources and Further Reading: Decoherence and the Quantum to Classical Transition - Maximilian A. Schlosshauer The Role of Decoherence in Quantum Mechanics - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Observing the Progressive Decoherence of the “Meter” in a Quantum Measurement - M Brune, et al