Today's video is about a subject very close to me, which has been present in my life for a long time. Once in a competitive version, and today purely amateur. I'm talking about running - an activity that gives me a lot and that can give each of us just as much :) Well - it can, but we often don't give running a chance, spending most of our lives on 4 letters, why...? ????Intro 00:00 - 2:01 ????Why don't we run? 2:01 - 3:41 ????Optic flow 3:41 - 5:20 ????Running and silence in our head 5:20 - 6:24 ????Running and happiness 6:24 - 10:07 ????Running = Freedom 10:07 - 11:54 ????Discovering yourself and your possibilities 11:54 - 14:49 ????Running and breathing 14:49 - 16:19 ????Summary 16:18 - 17:15 ????Why do I run? 17:15 - 21:33 Find me: Twitter: / piotrwoz_ Instagram: / piotrwoz_ Strava: / strava