This week in our Cheese Ship program, we had a very productive conversation about life and our lives with Industrial Psychology Expert, Trainer, Professional Coach, Author Ahmet Şahin Akbulut. Is happiness something difficult? Why do we easily collapse in the face of negativity? Could we have defined happiness incorrectly? Does working make people happy? So, what exactly is this happiness related to? A nice conversation that families, singles, young people, all of us will benefit from. Ahmet Şahin Akbulut: / ahmetsahinakbulut Kuveyt Türk Web: https://www.kuveytturk.com.tr/ İnstagram: / kuveytturk Twitter: / kuveytturk Facebook: / kuveytturk YouTube: / kuveytturkbankasi Bekir Develi and Cheese Ship are with you every Friday at 21:00 with their valuable guests on this channel. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, turn on notifications, and support us with your likes and comments.???? Subscribe: / bekirdeveli ⚠ WARNING: Unauthorized use of all or parts of the content published on our channel is prohibited! Our official social media accounts where we announce our publications: ✔ / bekirdevelifun ✔ / bekirdeveli ✔ / bekirdeveli #bekirdeveli #ahmetşahinakbulut #peynirgemisi