????Do you want to learn to play the piano with me? https://www.musihacks.com/aprende-at... ????Do you want to understand classical music with me? https://www.musihacks.com/entiende-la... The Disney intro has undergone many changes (and many lawsuits), and has appeared in a ton of movies that have marked many of our childhoods. Today we are going to tell its story, analyze it musically, and learn how to Disneyfy songs. Or, put another way, learn how to make songs sound like 1940s pop. Pure nostalgia. This is the second video I have made in the 6-Minute Analysis saga! The first was Chopin's Prelude: • A very easy work to play but imp... The thumbnails in this saga will have a yellow frame. If there are more works that you want us to analyze in 6 minutes, leave them in the description! Secondary Channel: / jaimeafterdark The Equipment I Use (Cameras, microphones, cards, etc.): https://jaimealtozano.com/equipo-e-in... ♫ MORE VIDEOS OF MY ♫ ╞Why Mozart didn't use the B flat: • Why Mozart didn't use the B flat -... ╞The Truth about POP music (ft. Ter): • The Truth about POP Music Jaime... ╞Flat Earth Trap: • FLAT EARTH TRAP ╞How does Shazam know what song is playing: • How does Shazam know what song is play... ╞Rosalía: What nobody is saying about El Mal Querer: • ROSALÍA: What nobody is saying ab... ╞Interstellar: A Myth of Noise and Silence: • The Music of Interstellar: A Myth of... ╞Easy Harmony Tutorial: • HARMONY AND CHORDS TUTORIAL: EASY ... ♫ VIDEOS WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES ♫ • Videos with ???????????????? English Subtitles ... ♫ SOUNDTRACK ANALYSIS ♫ ╞ HARRY POTTER: • Why is Harry Potter's music your... ╞ Interview with HANS ZIMMER: • The Surprising Life of Hans Zimmer (... ╞ THE LORD OF THE RINGS: • The Lord of the Rings – Analysis of... ╞ STAR WARS: • Analysis of the Star Wars Soundtrack... ╞ INTERSTELLAR: • The Music of Interstellar: A Myth of... ╞ GAME OF THRONES: • All the SECRETS of the GAME intro... ╞ YOUR NAME (and 10 more anime): • The BEST ANIME SOUNDTRACK – YOUR... ╞ DARK SOULS: • The secrets of Dark Souls music RANDOM/PERSONAL: ╞ MY HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE WITH THE SYSTEM EDUCATIONAL: • My Horrible Experience in the System... ╞ 50 MUSICAL THINGS THAT FLIP ME OUT: • 50 MUSICAL things that FLIP me out (and 3... ╞ WE ARE TOGETHER: • We are together (2018) ╞ COPYRIGHT ON YOUTUBE: • Copyright on Youtube Jaime Altozano ╞ THE FUTURE OF THIS CHANNEL: • THE FUTURE OF THIS CHANNEL (outdated... ╞ HOW TO MAKE YOUTUBE VIDEOS: • How to start making Youtube videos ♫ SONG ANALYSIS ♫ ╞ HAMILTON the Musical: • HAMILTON: Why has it been a Revolution... ╞ FROM FINAL FANTASY TO PINK FLOYD: • Rhythm Puzzles: from Final Fantasy to P... ╞ LANA DEL REY'S PLAGIARISM IN RADIOHEAD: • Has Lana Del Rey Plagiarized Radiohead's... ╞ EUROVISION SPAIN: • Eurovision Spain: Analysis of Your Ca... ╞ HOW TO APPLAUD JUSTIN BIEBER: • What happened when Justin Bieber wa... ╞ THE ANTHEM OF SPAIN: • The Problem with the Spanish Anthem ... ♫ CLASSICAL MUSIC ♫ ╞ HOW BACH PREDICTED THE PLOT OF LES MISERABLES: • LES MISERABLES: BACH's Best Fugue... ╞ FROM POKEMON TO BACH: A HISTORY OF VOICES: • From Pokemon to Bach. A story of VO... ╞ SIMPLE AND COMPLEX MUSIC AND MOZART'S ASS: • Simple and complex music and Mozart's a... ╞ OPERA DE LA BOHÈME: • WE'RE GOING TO TAKE 100,000 PEOPLE TO... ╞ I'M SNEAK INTO THE OPERA AND I'LL TAKE YOU WITH ME: • Inside the TEATRO ROYAL: Lucia di Lamm... ♫ LEARN MUSIC THEORY ♫ ╞ HARMONY AND CHORDS TUTORIAL: • HARMONY AND CHORDS TUTORIAL: EASY... ╞ HOW TO READ SHEET MUSIC: • How to read sheet music: The Endecagram... ╞ HOW DO WE MEASURE RHYTHM: • Why do we measure RHYTHM like this? Time... ╞ TYPES OF SCALES: • What is a MUSICAL SCALE. ╞ INTERVALS: • What is a MUSICAL INTERVAL. The Explan... ╞ CHORDS: • What is a CHORD. Types of Chords. The... ╞ KEYS: • What are KEYS. Major key... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: / jaimealtozano Instagram: / jaimealtozano Facebook: / jaimealtozanopagina Website: http://www.jaimealtozano.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MUSIC: The music I use in the background of my videos is from Epidemic Sound. You get the first month free here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/Altozano