Impressive: only 5% of the Canadian population lives in the center of the country, where two rich provinces are located: Saskatchewan and Manitoba - which occupy a huge area of land, about 5 times the size of the State of São Paulo! INSTAGRAM: /irmaosprezia Whatsapp: https://www.irmaosprezia.com/zap Official Page: http://www.irmaosprezia.com/ Most important of all: even though almost no one lives there, this inhospitable region currently offers the best immigration opportunities in Canada. What's more: the salaries are good and the cost of living is low. Watch the video to find out all the details. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPER CLASS on the Canada Plan! Mark it in your diary: SUPER CLASS on 'How to Leave Brazil and Go to Canada in 2024' on January 21st (SUNDAY) We will explain in detail everything essential you need to know about: -Best regions in Canada to study and work. -Most flexible immigration programs. -Strategies tested and approved by our VIP clients for job searches in Canada. How we can help you accelerate your Canada Plan with our guides and services from the VIP Area (extra vacancies available only on January 24th). How to participate? Free REGISTRATION here: PlanoCanada.com Follow us to be the first to know: Telegram: https://t.me/irmaosprezia Whatsapp https://www.irmaosprezia.com/zap