I'M LAUNCHING MY APPLICATION! Visit https://www.hocacademy.com.br and sign up by November 30th! Take advantage of the Black Friday offer with a 50% discount at HOC Academy and get exclusive bonuses: a course based on my book Intelligence of Charisma and, for the first 1,000 subscribers, access to my Close Friends on Instagram where you can follow my routine and behind the scenes of the Professor HOC channel! With the conflict in Israel, attacked by Hamas and the subsequent Israeli military operation in Gaza, many people wonder: what is the origin of this entire conflict? Well, it's not easy to explain. In this video, we start 4,000 years ago with the arrival of the Hebrews in the territory that is now Israel. From this starting point, we will understand the entire history of the territory, who dominated whom, how and when! We will go all the way to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and soon, we will come with the continuation of this class, covering the period from 1948 to the present day! I hope you enjoy it!