For questions about repairs or equipment selection, please contact - Teploservis-OVK +7 (495) 181 18 41 or +7 (926) 733-77-11. You can purchase high-quality and inexpensive heating equipment, as well as order the installation of boilers on the website http://teploservice-ovk.ru/. Instagram: / teploserviceovk Facebook: / remontkotla VKontakte: https://vk.com/otopleniekotel Most likely, you have often encountered situations when you had gas left in the cylinder, but its supply either stopped or the pressure dropped. Today we will touch on such issues as how to avoid freezing of gas cylinders and ensure that the gas in the cylinder is completely used up. Almost everyone who uses gas cylinders faces this situation. The lower part of the cylinder becomes covered with frost, as a result of which the gas stops flowing into the gas reducer to which it is connected. So why does the gas in the cylinder freeze, what is it connected with? When you fill your cylinder with gas at a gas station, a mixture of two petroleum hydrocarbon gases, propane and butane, is pumped into it. In household cylinders, the gas consists of a liquid and gaseous phase. Cylinders are filled to no more than 85% of their volume, since liquid gas can expand when the temperature changes and the cylinder will burst. Gas evaporates inside above the surface of the liquid gas and is supplied to the outside in gaseous form. If the propane has evaporated, then in the cold the butane will stop evaporating.