Galina's channel: / @galinako167 My master classes and descriptions are here: https://boosty.to/abelknit Dear friends, welcome to my online store: Rico yarn: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... ,,Northern Lights,, in stock: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... Magazines ,,Ksyusha,, https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... ChiaoGoo scissors: https://abelknit-wolle.com/products/c... Yarn of hand author's dyeing: Sets: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... merino with nylon: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... 100% merino: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... merino with silk: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... alpaca with silk: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... kid mohair on silk: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... sock composition: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... sock composition with lurex: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... Windings: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... Ready-made windings from bobbin yarn: https://abelknit-wolle.com/products/m... Markers: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... KnitPro Mindful knitting needle set: https://abelknit-wolle.com/products/t... Project bags: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... Logo cup: https://abelknit-wolle.com/products/t... Ruler: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... Tape measure with logo: https://abelknit-wolle.com/collection... Hand-dyed yarn, shipping within Russia: https://vk.com/id544924110 I'm on social media: ✅ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/abelknit/?h... ✅ Vk https://vk.com/id373320132 ✅ Yandex Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5fcbc282b57f... ❗Advertising and cooperation: [email protected] I recommend watching: ???? My master classes: • Beautiful Pattern for Socks. Master class... Designations of compositions on bobbins: AC - Acetato/Acetate/Acetat/Acetate - acetate fiber AF - Sonstlge fasem/Another fibre/Autres fibres, as well as EA - other fibers CA - Canapa/Hemp/Hant/Chanvre - hemp fiber, hemp Co - Cotone/Cotton/Baumwolle/Coton - cotton Cu - Cupro - copper-ammonia fiber EA - Altre fibre/Other fibres, as well as AF - other fibers EL - Comma/Bubber/Elastodien/Elastodiene/Elastan/ Elasthan/Elasthanne - elastane HA - Pelo/Hair/Haar/Poil - bristle, hair thread, pile HL - Limisto/Union Linen/Halbleinen/Metis - flax with impurities, half-linen fiber Li - Lino/Linen-Flax/Flachs/Linen/Lin - flax Ly - Laychra/Laycra - lycra Ma - Modacrilice/Modacrylin/Modacryl/ Modacrylique - modified acrylic Md - Modal - modified viscose fiber Me - Metall/Metal/Meta - presence of metallized thread NY - Nylon/Polyamide - nylon, polyamide PA - Acrilica/Polyacrylic/Polyacryl/Acrylique/ Acrilico/Acrylik - acrylic, polyacrylic PL - Poliestere/Polyester - polyester, polyester fiber PE - Polietilen/Polyethylene/PoLietileno - polyethylene fiber PP - Polipropilene - polypropylene fiber PU - Poliuretanica/Polyurethane/Polyurethan - polyurethane fiber PVC - Polyvinylchloride/Polyvinylchlorid - polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride PVCF - Polyvinylchloride fibre - polyvinyl chloride fibre RA - Ramie - nettle fibre - ramie RS - Rubber artificial - rubber, artificial rubber JU - Juta/Jute - jute SE - Seta/Silk/Seide/Soie - silk SW - Silkworm - mulberry silkworm TA - Triacetato/Triacetate/Triacetat - triacetate TR - Residut tessili/Textile residual/Restlich Textil/Residu Textile - industrial weaving residues, arbitrary composition VI - Viscosa/Viscose - viscose WA - Angora (karin) - wool fibre from the Angora goat WO - Lana/Wool/Woole/Lane/Laine/Wolle - wool WK - Cammello/Camel/Kamel/Chamean - camel wool WL - Lama/Liama - wool fiber from llama WM - Mohair - mohair, specially processed wool of the Angora goat WS - Kashmir/Cashemire/Cashmere/Kaschmir - cashmere WP - Alpaca/Alpaka - alpaca wool WV - Fine Merino/Extrafine wool - merino wool WY - Yach/Yak/Yack - yak wool Table from the Internet Footage in spools, possible designations: Tit 2/14 (700m - 100 g) Nm 2/16 (800m- 100 g) Z 9 (900m- 100g) Z 4,5 ( 450 m -100g )