Today we are visiting the island of Vilm and conducting an interview with Prof. Dr. Hannes Knapp, honorary professor at the Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology at the University of Greifswald and expert on beech forests, about the need for forest areas that are being taken out of use. The photos of the island of Vilm shown at the beginning come from https://www.ruegenurlaub.de/insel-rue... (map), https://www.reiseland-ruegen.de/ausfl... (drone shot) and https://www.ruegenmagic.de/insel-vilm... (buildings on Vilm). Chapter 00:00 Intro 02:28 Crossing to the island 03:32 Welcome and introduction 05:33 Walk through the forest 06:18 Start of interview #permanentforest #forest #forestry #climatechange #mixedforest #ageclassforest #forestcrisis