A diode is mainly used to rectify alternating voltage. In practice, it is convenient to use a ready-made assembly, which is a diode bridge. If the rectifier bridge is single-phase, then most often it consists of four rectifier diodes. Schottky diodes have a special structure. They have a relatively low voltage drop and a small capacity of the conditional pn junction, which is structurally made of metal and semiconductor. Due to these properties, Schottky diodes, along with pulse diodes, are often used in pulse technology and electrical circuits in which high-frequency currents flow. A zener diode or Zener diode operates in the region of electrical breakdown of the reverse branch of the volt-ampere characteristic (VAC). The zener diode is connected in series with the quenching resistor and together they are connected in parallel to the power source. A stable voltage of a fixed value is already removed from the zener diode output, which powers the load. The excess voltage of the power source is absorbed by the resistor. In the pn junction zone, a parasitic capacitor is formed, which is successfully used by a semiconductor device called a varicap. When voltage is applied to the varicap, its capacity will change with a change in the magnitude of the applied voltage. This property of the varicap is used in oscillatory circuits of receivers and generators. The avalanche diode, due to the structural features of the pn junction, is used in power circuits and is capable of withstanding significant overvoltage, often inherent in power electrical installations. Electronic kits for experiments of beginner electronics engineers: Get a high DISCOUNT on the purchase of ALL products: http://ali.pub/3mwkwb Breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtvcu Convenient breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtvyt Serious breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtx4m Flexible jumpers for breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtxj0 Jumpers in a case 14 types 140 pieces: http://ali.pub/3mtxtw Set of resistors 600 pieces, 30 denominations of 20 pieces: http://ali.pub/3muaey Set of transistors: http://ali.pub/3muc1h Buy a good multimeter: RM113D http://ali.pub/3mn1ru Buy a simple multimeter: DT830B http://ali.pub/3mn8qo Digital dual-channel signal generator DDS: http://ali.pub/4c2hf7 Serious digital signal generator UNI-T UTG962: http://ali.pub/4c2hx3 Oscilloscope Hantek DSO5202P: http://ali.pub/3rey34 Soldering iron with adjustable temperature CXG 936d: http://ali.pub/4c2kuh #diode #electronicsclub