WHY DO PEOPLE CRUSH THEIR CARS? Bypassing a traffic jam through OFF-ROAD AND A MOUNTAIN! Hello everyone, Wheel lovers! In our beloved Nizhny Novgorod region, or more precisely on the approach to Nizhny Novgorod from the Arzamas side, the road is being repaired (a viaduct is being built). Because of this, a huge traffic jam accumulates every day at the entrance to the city, and in order to somehow reduce the waiting time, people go through the village of Rumyantsevo, and climb the mountain on which there is a dirt road. And it is on this section that the most interesting things happen, especially in the rain ... Instagram: / gorbunoff_tv Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/gorbunoff Group in VK - https://vk.com/gorbunoff_group My page - https://vk.com/gorbunoff_tv #offroad #mountain