Why are some constantly bitten by mosquitoes, and others are not even noticed? Maybe it's genetics and evolution ???? Translated by Vladee Flava. Voiced by: Vladee Flava, Oleg Androschuk and Valeriya-Anastasia Pryshlyak. Original: • Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People More ... SUPPORT THE LANGUAGE PROJECT FINANCIALLY: ➡️ https://bmc.link/projektmova/membership - Buy Me A Coffee ☕ ➡️ https://donatello.to/projektmova - Donatello ???? ➡️ 4441 1144 6986 4571 - MONOBANK ???? PROMOVA (LANGUAGE PROJECT) - created for distribution and popularization Ukrainian-language content, the basis of the channel is made up of foreign videos voiced in Ukrainian for the first time. ➡️ / projektmova???? ➡️ https://t.me/projektmova???? Thank you for your support: VALERII MARKUS, Halyna Svinous, Zagin Kinomaniv, Eugene Medvediev, AirMaiden, Anastacia Lukashevych, Andrii Molyavchyk, pavlooooo, Yaroslav, Dmitry Solovyanov, Oleksiy Ivanchuk, Bohdan Kvas, Rick Sanchez, Dmytro Savochkin, Dyka Olenka, Andrii Surzhenko, DimaChina, Vil Vilnyi, i1, Oleksandr Karpov, v_omelianiuk and others ???????? #VERITASIUM #КОМАРИ #PROЄКТМОВА