Free webinar "Secrets of a Long and Healthy Life" by A.T. Ogulov https://online.ogulov.com/vebinar2022 All webinar participants receive a discount of up to 50% on all online courses at the Ogulov Center. https://online.ogulov.com/vebinar2022 #Ogulov Alexander Timofeevich - President of the Professional Association of Visceral Practice Specialists. Doctor of Traditional Medicine, Professor, Full Member of the International European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hannover, Germany). Founder and researcher of the field - visceral practice. #visceralpractice is an effect on internal organs by pressing, tapping, shifting, massaging the abdomen in order to restore the position of organs and restore microcirculation in their periorgan spaces. Due to these actions, many metabolic processes in the body are normalized and functional disorders are eliminated; deep physiological processes occur, leading to the restoration of not only the functioning of internal organs, but also the entire body as a whole. In this video, you will find answers to the most common questions about the kidneys! Professor Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov talks about the kidneys from the perspective of visceral practices. You will learn about the functions of the kidneys, their relationship with other organs and systems, the causes of kidney dysfunction and ways to restore #kidneys. *** Visceral practice training - https://academy.ogulov.com Make an appointment with a visceral practices specialist - https://ogulov.com *** Ogulov Center on social networks: VKontakte https://vk.com/ogulov.center Facebook / ogulov.center Instagram / ogulov_com