Why do we need to sing from notes? 🎶 Analysis of the famous composition "I will build a lighthouse" by M. Dunaevsky from the musical "Scarlet Sails" If you do not have the gift of intonation clearly, you can develop this skill. At the same time, it is useless to repeat many times if you do the same thing. There will be no result. Start working on each note. If you want a personal consultation, write the word "consultation" in telegram @goncharovagolos. Perhaps, in places someone will not understand what I am talking about. This is normal. To understand better, come to classes. #voice #sound #nasal #nasality #nasalness #speech #vocals #voicecan #myvoice #coolvoice #sound #voicesounds #speaker #speakeronstage #speakbeautifully #sound #sonorousvoice #developvoice #expertperformance #livebroadcast #thebearstepped #falseness #falsenotes #singcleanly #iwillbuildalighthouse #singbeautifully #eteriberiashvili #eteri