Faik Bulut explains: 🔴 How did Napoleon's invasion of Egypt threaten British interests and how did it affect the territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire? 🔴 How did Afrin Kurd Süleyman Halebi plan the assassination he organized against French General Kléber and what was his motivation? 🔴 Which resistance movements did Süleyman Halebi participate in against the French occupation and how did he establish a connection with religious teachers during this process? 🔴 How did Süleyman Halebi's capture, confessions under torture and execution take place after the Kléber assassination? 🔴 How were Süleyman Halebi's skull and assassination dagger preserved in France and what kind of campaigns are being carried out for their return? #Napoleon #SüleymanHalebi #KléberAssassination #EgyptCampaign #History