Hello friends. Today we have a Soviet minibus ZIL 3207 for a test drive. The rarest bus of the Soviet Union. The car is completely original and this makes it doubly interesting. Today we will try to figure out why Henry Ford Jr. bought the Yunost from the USSR and why he wanted to buy a license to produce this minibus from the country of Soviets. I think this decision was far from spontaneous and well thought out. We knew how to make cars back then! Enjoy watching. Our channel Autopoligon Kuznitsy: / @AutopoligonKuznitsy Purchase and transfer of our PAZ-672: • PAZ-672. First test drive: transfer with... Our Life channel: / @TrudovyebudniKuznitsy Our documentary film channel: / @StudioKuznitsaFilm #kuznitsatestdrive #aboutcars #retrocars #carrestoration #madeinussr #history