Why did God choose you? Have you ever stopped to think that God has a somewhat strange criterion! And that if we were to look at merit, we would understand that God always does more than what we plant? Deive Leonardo shares a powerful message about God's care and presence in our lives. He reminds us that God chose us, He sees us, hears us, and comes down to save us, regardless of the circumstances we face. Deive Leonardo emphasizes that the difficult experiences we face are not in vain, but are part of God's plan to prepare us for days of glory. He encourages us to be grateful for everything God has done in our lives, because He uses our stories and scars to make us instruments of healing and transformation. Watch now and be inspired to recognize God's presence in your life and trust in His sovereign plan. Deive Leonardo shares not only words of comfort, but also practical examples of how God uses people with stories and scars to accomplish His purposes. Prepare to be edified and motivated to live a life of gratitude and faith. You can also listen to the sermons on the platforms below: • Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/2yXSY... • Deezer - https://www.deezer.com/br/artist/1473... • Napster - https://br.napster.com/artist/deive-l...