Today's collection is about the most dangerous magicians in history: Among them is the writer Ahmed Ali Al-Buni (author of Shams Al-Maarif Al-Kubra), the repentant Yemeni magician, the magician Hazard who prostrated to Satan! Most sources for the topic: https://bit.ly/3KPeMnZ https://bit.ly/3IiszSg ---- A trip to the dam of Gog and Magog • A Muslim traveler reached the true dam of Gog and Magog... The meeting of the companion Tamim Al-Dari with the Antichrist • This companion met the true Antichrist... Saaf Ibn Sayyad (Is he the real Antichrist)? • This boy was sworn by all the companions that he was... The mystery of the pregnant pharaonic mummy • The pregnant mummy Why did the priests of... embalm her ----- ... https://filmmusic.io/song/5314-road-t... License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license #Thorny_Files #Shams_Al-Maaref #Mystery #Horror