In the wild, cats hide their droppings and food because their scent reveals their location to other predators, and their food to other cats they compete with. Interestingly, cats at the top of the food chain, such as jaguars, do not exhibit this burying behavior because there are no predators and their competitors are spread out over large areas. But what about at home? Why do our cats hide their droppings and food in their own homes? Who are they hiding from? *** Join our viewers who financially support Evrim Ağacı so we can produce more content: To make a one-time or regular monthly support with Turkish Lira: https://kreosus.com/evrimagaci To join our Patreon supporters: / evrimagaci To purchase our science t-shirts, books, and other products: https://pazar.evrimagaci.org/ To support via IBAN number, cryptocurrency or PayPal: https://dar.vin/MaddiDestek *** Music: The music used in this video is from AudioHero (https://www.audiohero.com/). Video: All video sources quoted in this video are stated within the video. All videos without a specified source are from Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/videos/). Icons: The icons used in this video are from Flat Icon (https://www.flaticon.com/). *** To watch our latest uploaded video: https://dar.vin/SonVideo To watch our most popular video: https://dar.vin/EnPopuler *** To subscribe to our channel: https://dar.vin/EAYouTube