Watch all episodes on RUTUBE! https://rutube.ru/plst/149397/?utm_so... One day Nyashenka and Yasha couldn't share the cubes. And Tosha the Dragon asked Toyroychik to send them to a place where there are a lot of cubes. But they need to be mined just like real miners - with a pickaxe! Now you can stop being greedy and play your favorite game. But then Yashenka found a golden cube and the friends can't share it again... Who will get the golden cube? Find out from the episode! An ordinary panda family has an unusual friend - a living toy dragon named Tosha. The panda parents don't know about him, and the bear cubs can't live a day without him, because #ToshatheDragon and his little assistant Toyroychik can turn any boring day into a fantastic adventure, and at the same time give answers to all the questions of little why-nots. Tosha the Dragon blows a magic bubble, and the adventures begin! Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/DrakoshaTosha Watch all episodes at once: http://bit.ly/DrakoshaToShaplaylist Drakosha's songs: http://bit.ly/DrakoshaToshaSong