Erick and Dominick in today's new video by DinsiemE let's play who draws the most beautiful object with the 3D pen wins against Doctor Timoti while Erick prepares a special Christmas present and a Christmas card in advance! ⭐️ 🎄 Discover the air up Christmas offers at the link: https://airup.link/4ebKzhc Erick and Dominick in today's new video by DinsiemE let's play who draws the most beautiful object with the 3D pen wins against Doctor Timoti in the real-life game. After we lost the DinsiemE MegaGame and after we survive the scariest nights of our lives, Doctor Timoti entered our house secretly and decided to challenge us in the 24-hour challenge where whoever draws better wins. In this Diy challenge, we have to draw the rich object vs the poor object and whoever draws it better wins. After if you build it, I'll buy it, here if you draw it well, I'll buy it. After I built a secret room in our house, today I have to build but with the 3d pen! #air up #cringemas #adv