All contributions to the channel please send to account number: 1013626747 - Vietcombank - DUONG QUANG THIEN Who is the real owner of these ancient ruins? Ancient World Giant rocks, with strange traces and questions about their true origin. Is this the legacy of a forgotten ancient civilization? We are referring to the mysterious ruins in Japan. First, is the saw mountain ruins in Chiba province. Here, people discovered 90-degree right angles, unimaginably large spaces and smooth surfaces as if cut by laser. Could this be the work of ancient humans? In addition, there is a giant rock in Hyogo province, carved with mysterious arrows and grooves that cannot be explained, looking like parts of a giant machine. This rock weighs up to 500 tons. Who created it, and for what purpose? In fact, there are countless similar rocks hidden all over Japan, with strange mechanical cuts and unbelievable flatness. Some seem to be related to astronomy, while many others remain a complete mystery. Who carved these rocks, and why? Thank you everyone! Hope you have a good time. Please watch the video on the Ancient World channel. ✔️ Ancient World will accompany you on the journey to decode mysterious events throughout human history... ✔️ Hope you have relaxing and useful moments! #ancientworld #mystery #ancienttechnology #prehistorictechnology #ancientmystery #ancientjapan