«Let the CHILDREN get close to US». Among other things, because many of us know how good it would have been to have some QUEER role model during our childhood. Someone who would make us understand that we were not alone and that there was a future waiting for us. ALANA S. PORTERO, author of the novel LA MALA COSTUMBRE —one of the greatest revelations of Spanish LITERATURE in recent times— comes to SABOR A QUEER to talk about CHILDHOOD. Are queer children more aware of things that others overlook? What role does the SECRET, the SILENCE, play in the childhood of a queer CHILD? To what extent does that silence later condition the adult they become? Who really INDOCTRINES THE CHILDREN? ???????????????????????? CHILDHOOD with ALANA S. PORTERO SABOR A QUEER 2x28 Subscribe to the channel. https://linktr.ee/saboraqueer David's networks: / davidvelduque / davidvelduque / davidvelduque SABOR A QUEER's networks: / saboraqueer / saboraqueer / davidvelduque www.neurads.com SABOR A QUEER, a podcast produced by @neurads presented by @davidvelduque with the collaboration of @HelpApoyoPositivo