Al-Radoud #Karrar_Karbalaei #karrar_karbalaei Poem At His Door Lyrics Zaid Al-Haidari Lyrics of the poem Hussein, my love... Who is he if it weren't for him in the world? Who is he? He is one of our people? My mother says Hussein is one of our people. His heart is full of wounds and he did not return from his side, even the horses are from his side. He is afraid that someone will steal the ring from his finger and he pushes him off the crooked path. This is the worst of all the trials. How many of his friends are there? But one is in front of me and they broke his rib. ————— When I come to him, I forget the world and the city. When I come to him, there is no way but Hussein. There is no way. A long friendship between me and him is long and beautiful. My life in his service became beautiful. If it weren't for my service, my life would have no value. He alone deserves him. My eyes and my relief from suffocation. I feel that I have reached this point. I will reach his door and return to my family. My misery. ——————— I came to him to ask him for a few things. I came to him and left him, but my mind was small. I forgot about this world and forgotten about this Hussein Al-Kabali, I forgot him and found him. His body was scattered, but when I came back, I found him. With his religion, my mother, a speck of my eyes. My religion is not a tear. I cry for you. I would cry. If it weren’t for Hussein in my life, where am I now? A cheap commodity. Who would buy me? ——————- I raise his door to that bird and the good. I raise his door to the cloud. From it, the cloud carries and walks. The cloud is dyed with a color for every rose that has become dyed. His youth is like a river that renews its youth. Like a river, its banks are not thirsty, bearing the ordeal of my mother. He is in front of me in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the visit. He listens to my words and heals my wound with his eyelids, but his wound is still bleeding. To communicate with the official accounts of the Husseini reciter #Karar_Al-Karbalai Youtube: / @karrarkarbalaei Facebook: / karairkrblaei Instagram https://instagram.com/karrar.karbalae... Telegram: https://t.me/Kararkarbalai 00:00 3:00 Who is it today? 3:1$ 5:40 Who should I go to and forget the world? 5:44 7:40 I came to him and asked him 7:41 9:37 Open his door, that bird