hello everyone today we are going to play tricky tower it is a game on pc but also on PS5 switch we are going to play with deotoons deo diabo and pauline laupocute and after there will also be leo techmaker the goal of the game is that the towers do not fall for that they must have solid bases like in life if you do not have solid bases you end up unemployed or youtuber Live channel - Twitch: / laupok Video editing: Docteur Rétroactif / dretroactif Deotoons twitch channel: / deotoons Leo techmaker twitch channel: / leotechmaker Pauline twitch channel: / labulledepauline ???? Twitch: / laupok Twitter: / laupokhf Instagram: Laupocute and Laupok_Yt Cap to support the channel: https://teespring.com/fr/lpKCASQ Laupok t-shirts and goodies to support the channel: https://bazardelaupok.tunetoo.com/