20 battles, every 4 battles the equipment changes, the tanks are the same (chooses the wheel), the main thing is average damage. Anastasia, 21 years old, hysterical and I cook your favorite soup deliciously, and also the ambassador of beautiful breakfasts, well, and your most toxic teammate! ☑️Donate on the stream (SMS) + voice acting - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/sham... ☑️ Streams on Trovo - https://trovo.live/s/LLIamaxanckaya_L... ☑️ Streams on VK Play Live - https://vkplay.live/lliamaxanckaya_ll... ☑️ VK Page - https://vk.com/lllamaxanskaya ☑️ VK Group - https://vk.com/6a6am_mecto_na_kyxne ☑️ Instagram - / shamaxanskaya_tsaritsa ☑️ Telegram - https://t.me/lllamaxanskaya ☑️ PC configuration - https://vk.com/topic-150371093_49071797 ☑️ Field and equipment - https://vk.com/6a6am_mecto_na_kyxne?z... ☑️ Game / graphics settings - https://vk.com/topic-150371093_49297159