Hello everyone! This information can seriously shake your religious knowledge and confuse you. Therefore, I strongly recommend that if you have the slightest negative feelings, please turn off this video and bring yourself to a harmonious state. Thank you! Mauro Biglino is undoubtedly one of the most authoritative translators of ancient Aramaic scriptures and manuscripts, who has spent the last 30 years researching the so-called "sacred scriptures". Mauro was officially engaged in biblical translations for the Vatican, the San Paolo publishing house. After many years of familiarization with the manuscripts, he came to the conclusion that everything that was presented in the Old Testament was in fact a deception and religious creativity. After which, the Vatican broke the contract with him. But the history of translations continued. Mauro Biglino thoroughly proves that in the Old Testament, the Bible, the word "God" does not exist. In the Old Testament, it is represented by the word "Elohim". But Elohim is plural, and the Old Testament speaks of a group of people who visited Earth in flying objects and were engaged in genetic modification of creatures that were already on Earth. Mauro claims that we, humans, are genetically modified creatures. From the Old Testament, we know that there were Adamites and there were also Elohim. Adamites are those who descended from Adam. That is, these are the people who were genetically modified for the specific purpose of serving the Gods - Elohim. In the Old Testament, there are no words that would describe the concept of Eternity, Love and similar religious topics. Mauro Biglino proved that the Old Testament is not about God - it is the history of a past civilization. Below, under the video, you will find a link to information on the topic. Link to documents on the topic: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-... You can buy me coffee here https://www.buymeacoffee.com/vova0007 or here https://www.donationalerts.com/r/vova... Your donations will be sincerely welcomed and used for the benefit of the development of this channel: YooMoney 4100115515177526 WEBMONEY WMID 214772638354 Z364963553089 E417896977550 BTC 1QDFoUowLR78ejPTtHB7jBjb1Dg8jP3sAw ETH 0x26f78B1BC3d1D74a4084aE346fE779821446a777 Used materials: / @maurobiglinoofficialchannel • The Bible Does Not Talk About God S... • Ufo Alieni Extraterrestri 03 Gen 20...