Today we are going to make a cut of the Ancestry Test video where we will understand who the Mizrahim Jews are. Watch the test here - • WE DID THE ANCESTRY DNA TEST... Take your DNA test here - https://meudna.com/ Useful links Spanish Reconquista - • THE SPANISH RECONQUEST AND THE PATH:... Spanish Inquisition on the Path - • WAS THERE AN INQUISITION ON THE PATH? :: Len... The Mizrahi Feminist Who Stopped Asking for Permission From Ashkenazi Jews - https://www.haaretz.com/life/books/.p... Majority of Israelis learned very little on Mizrahi Jewish culture - https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/art... Video featured in this video - Do you hate Mizahi - (warning: little context about the video) • Ashkenazi Israelis: Do you hate Mizra... Wiki - https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judeus_.... #historia #sociedade