For just $1 a month you'll be able to watch all the videos that are blocked on YouTube and you'll also be supporting me in a way that I'll be very grateful for. There are also $5, $10, and $20 subscriptions with which you can get guaranteed reactions for the month and your name will appear on all my videos: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=18... Do you want your reaction before the rest of the requests? Make a donation of $5 and you'll have top priority (I do reactions every day except Sundays), or you can also donate freely to show your support: https://streamlabs.com/beckmax1 Once you make the donation, write to me at [email protected] to give me details about your reaction request. If you ask me for a reaction, please specify the artist and song, and provide a link if possible. Any other request without mentioning a specific song will not be taken into account. Keep in mind that the requests I receive are many more than the reactions I can do, so it is likely that it will not be done. Please note that if you make a donation (minimum US$ 5) your request will have top priority, so its completion is assured. The list is long. Please suggest a reaction only once, I read all the comments so it is not necessary to ask for the same thing over and over again. While it is true that I enjoy music, please do not request reggaeton, trap or similar, they are genres that I do not like and if I reacted to them I would not be impartial and would not enjoy them. The comments section is not a chat room, try to only write a comment to maintain a minimum order and also use polite language to maintain a healthy and pleasant environment for everyone. Original video: • Rata Blanca - La Leyenda del Hada y e... Twitter: / beckmaxreaccion