If your car is emitting white exhaust smoke, your engine has problems that you need to identify quickly. Like the smoke signals transmitted by a tribal chief, exhaust gases hide an important message. If you don't catch it in time, you will open your wallet wide. Below, you will find out what faults could be behind the different colors that the smoke emitted from the exhaust pipe can have. ⚪ White exhaust smoke Except on cold days, when it can actually be generated in the form of steam, strictly by the condensation of water in the exhaust system, white smoke is not at all a message of peace. On the contrary, its release can announce malfunctions of the injection pump, coolant leaks, turbine failure, water pump or damage to the cylinder head gasket. If you drove aggressively, used low-quality antifreeze, or were not careful about the level of this fluid, you can endanger not only the cylinder head, but the entire engine block. Choose a quality antifreeze and top up its level on time, and white smoke will not spoil your driving pleasure. Now you know what problems the color of exhaust smoke indicates. All you have to do is check the technical condition of the engine from time to time, without any alarm signs. Are you looking for a used car with an advantageous quality-price ratio? We are waiting for you on Autovit with a wide range of cars for all tastes and needs → https://www.autovit.ro/ ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? OTHER USEFUL CLIPS: ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????How to check the electric motor - • Nea Toma VS Autovit.ro - How to check... ????How to check the mileage of a used car - • 'Nea Toma VS Autovit.ro – How to check... ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? CAR SELLING & BUYING TIPS: ????