White balance, or white balance, on photography and video cameras is a command that is often misunderstood, both in its operation and in its function. For these reasons, I bring you this video about white balance, with considerations about what it is, how to adjust it, when it is or is not appropriate to use automatic white balance, when to use manual adjustment using the Kelvin scale or even when to use custom balance, among other points, both for photography and video. Do you have any questions about white balance? Watch the video, like it, comment, ask questions, participate. Thank you. Buy one of my courses, all the information and purchase options are at this link http://vernaglia.com.br/cursosonline.... Follow on Twitter - /vernagliajunior And on Insta - /armandovernagliajunior Do you want to support this channel? There are several ways, see below: Buy equipment at Portssar - http://www.lojaportssar.com.br/ Crowdfunding - https://apoia.se/armandovernaglia My equipment is all Canon - http://www.canon.com.br/ Get to know the work of Cris, illustrator, colorist, and also photographer, author of the illustration in the video thumbnail and which I used throughout the explanation: / cristianedealencar See you around. Big hug, Armando Vernaglia Junior http://www.vernaglia.com.br #photography #video #freeclass