2024 VTTAE Buying Guide: Review of all enDHuroBike electric mountain bike tests In the plethora of offers on the market, it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. With no less than 15 VTTAE models tested, we have prepared a short guide to understand which VTTAE is right for you. Here is the exhaustive list of all the models and the program of your video: 00:00 Intro 01:20 Mondraker Crafty Carbon RR 02:45 BH iLynx + Trail 04:40 Pivot Shuttle AM 06:40 Canyon Spectral:ON 08:00 Canyon Torque:ON 10:08 Marin Rift Zone E2 12:10 Marin Alpine Trail E2 14:05 Pivot Shuttle LT 15:20 Mondraker Dusk R 17:04 Radon Render 10.0 HD 18:27 Moustache Game 7 20:55 Scor 4060Z ST 23:00 Specialized Levo Comp Carbon 25:15 Sunn Kern EL S1 27:20 Lapierre Glp3 Find all the tests on our website endhuro-bike.com Here is Max and Hugo's equipment: Specialized helmets Ambush II & Tactic 4 https://www.specialized.com/fr/fr/c/h... Specialized 2FO Cliplite Shoes https://www.specialized.com/fr/fr/cha... Racer Motion Knee 2 Knee Guards https://www.racer1927.com/fr/protecti... Racer Pro Top 3 Back Protector https://www.racer1927.com/fr/protecti... We also recommend the maintenance products we use: https://www.monkeys-sauce.com/ Here's a good deal for everything related to tires: https://www.cycletyres.fr/ The advantages with our partners: 15% off all Racer protectors ENDHUROBIKE15 10% off all MTB tires at CycleTyres ENDHUROBIKE10 Join our Instagram and Facebook community ;) / endhurobike / endhurobike Ride well, ride safe!! Or not ;p