Which sunscreen to buy? Sunscreen is the product I test the most when it comes to skincare. I don't know if you'll like this style of video, but we can do a lot more! ♥️ Many times we don't know which sunscreen to buy, this video can help you figure out which one suits your skin and the environment you're in best! ♥️ Which sunscreen to choose? ♥️ Also, the list of products mentioned: Eucerin Oil Control sunscreen https://amzn.to/3Q4mAr6 Etude House Sunprise sunscreen https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B08946RM... Chronos Natura Multiprotector https://amzn.to/441F41f Bioderma Photoderm Anti-Oil Protector https://amzn.to/3xHib78 Fusion Water sunscreen (light color) Isdin https://amzn.to/3xyBS0P Principia sunscreen (coupon: Talitinha10) https://bit.ly/Protetorsolarprincipia1 For those interested in our 360 skincare course: your skin care journey! ;) Just click here: skincare360.com.br/curso-de-skincare My favorite products on Amazon https://www.amazon.com.br/shop/talita... My Instagram where we meet almost in real time: / talitarodriguesmonaco Tik Tok: / @talitarodriguesmonaco Pinterest: / talitarodriguesmonaco Twitter: / talirodrigues Facebook: / talitarestetica You can also send me an email, if you want :) [email protected] Our Team o/o/o/ Erica, is the one who edits our videos! s2 [email protected] Contact for partnerships: [email protected]